Hi there everyone,
I've just had the busiest couple of weeks at work. Not only do I have to work on 3 newspapers per week, but now I'm doing 2 of them... by myself!
I've just finished re-reading what I think is one of the funniest books that I've ever read. If you haven't already checked it out, then I insist that you must - you simply must read it. Its the 1st book in a MaryJanice Davidson series and its called (drumroll please...) 'The Royal Treatment'.
I was first clued onto this particular book by my librarian friend (thanks Jo if your reading this) and I was a little hesitant about reading it, but I'm so glad that I did.
It's an alternate take on what would happen if America never bought Alaska from Russia, and thanks to a war of independence, Alaska now has its own royal family.
King Alexander II is a riot, Crown Prince David is kinda yummy, and his out-of-a-job-cause-I-racked-my-boss-for-coping-a-feel fiance is a scream. I know it isn't a supernatural/paranormal book, but it is well worth the effort.
If you like this book, then you'll love some of MaryJanice Davidson's other supernatural/paranormal books. I particularly loved her werewolf book 'Derik's Bane' and the delighfully tactless ½ mermaid (sorry, seafolk) Fred's (don't call me Fredrika - or Rika) series 'Sleeping with the Fishes' and the 2nd book 'Swimming without a Net' is due out this month.
Anyway, it's back to the bookshelf for me. I'm in the middle of reading "Magic Bites" by Ilona Andrews, Jeanne C. Stein's "The Becoming" and re-reading PC Cast's "Divine by Mistake".
Happy reading!