It's been a little while since I've posted anything about the books I've read. Well, in recent weeks I've read a few more reference books (19th Century clothing) and they were extremely helpful. Darn sight cheaper from the UK than in Australia though!
Ignore that snipe - outrageous book prices in Australia is a pet peeve of mine.
As for my usual genres? I bought a few of the Lora Leigh "Elite Ops" series. They are great, and I'm ever so grateful that there are only 6 of them. I already have enough trouble trying to find spots for all the Dark-Hunter, Anita Blake, Stephanie Plum, Breeds, Dark (Feehan) and other series on my shelves. Seriously, there are some series that I think I'll be following when I'm 60!
The latest books to go on my wishlist are:
Lawe's Justice - Lora Leigh
Smokin' Seventeen - Evanovich
Wicked Appetite - Evanovich
No Mercy - Kenyon
Retribution - Kenyon
One Silent Night - Kenyon
The Guardian - Kenyon
Cast in Ruin - Michelle Sargara
I've already made a list for late Dec/Jan to take advantage of pre-sale prices.

They include:
Death Magic - Eileen Wilks
Fair Game - Patricia Briggs
Spirit Bound - Christine Feehan
Angel's Flight - Nalini Singh
plus later in the year I simply
MUST order the new Kate Daniels book.
It seems that everytime I make out a list of books, and get them, the author's decide to torture us all by announcing the next book in the series - that doesn't come out till next year! It's a never ending cycle I tell you.
Hopefully this year Santa will be feeling generous, but I think I should really ask him for a huge new bookshelf before I buy anymore books. Santa? ... are you listening?
As it is, I've already filled up all the bookshelves I brought with me in the move - as well as the large one my mother and Aunt bought me as a 'house warming' gift. I tell you, its insane. I still have over 5 big boxes of books at my mum's house that still have to make the trip over here... and that doesn't even include the boxed up books from my childhood. If I don't have over 5000 books, then I just can't count properly!
I did do a little searching online for some interesting bookshelves and found some fabulous (and weird) ones. Hmmm, maybe something like this perhaps :)
I could really enjoy filling all these shelves. They just might hold all my books!
Update: my Salt Dough ornaments are nearly ready for painting. They have completely dried, and I've given them an undercoat to prepare them for the paints. Pics will be posted after the messy job I promise.