A Molly Murphy Mystery #5
Rhys Bowen
First published in 2006
This edition published in 2015
Constable, paperback (format B), 359p.
ISBN: 9781472118417
How can Molly keep the man she wants out of her life out of jail, for although he may be a love rat, he's certainly no murderer!
Irish immigrant Molly Murphy is contemplating giving up PI work for something a little less . . . exciting. Molly has had quite enough recently - especially from the handsome but frustrating NYPD captain Daniel Sullivan. She wants him out of her life for good. But when Daniel is accused of accepting bribes and lands himself in the Tombs, the notorious city jail, he begs Molly to help prove he was framed. After everything they've been through together, how can she turn him down?
As Molly finds herself drawn further into Daniel's case, she begins to fear that his trouble is related to one of his investigations: catching a serial killer who is targeting prostitutes, known as the East Side Ripper . . .

{Note: I wrote this yesterday at the coffee shop}
I read Oh Danny Boy this morning. I then got ready and headed off into town to meet some family, and while I waited for them at the coffee shop I thought I'd write down a few thoughts on the book while it was still fresh in my mind - only I drew a blank!
Yes, not only had I finished the book less than 40 minutes ago, but I could not remember anything. Not even the title. This only lasted about 20 seconds, but I seriously had to mentally review the books I'd received in the mail this week for the title to come to mind. I can't remember this happening to me before, and it says a lot about what I thought of this story - forgettable.
ODB seems to pick up a couple of weeks after the events of In Like Flynn (#4) and although I do like Molly, the collection of misfits and bohemians she surrounds herself with do rather test my patience at times. Gus and Sid would have to be my favourite of the friends. But by far the most annoying character for me is the stereotypical Irish charmer, Daniel Sullivan. His attitude and behaviour stinks. While he doesn't want to hurt his fiancé feelings or cause her any humiliation in breaking their engagement. However by doing this, and stringing Molly along, he has just hurt and humiliated the woman he claims to love! When Molly runs home after the final events of the previous book, she keeps Daniel out of her life, binning his daily missives - only to find out he's in the clink. So, Molly being Molly, sets out to clear Daniel's name. I applauded her decision to rid herself of the charming rogue, but it seems like you can't have a cosy mystery these days without the obligatory star-crossed lovers who must overcome numerous obstacles, blah, blah, blah. Pure claptrap (although it does zest up the subplots).
The mystery of who set up Daniel is neatly solved, but only after Molly has a few close calls, and has to venture into the seedier parts of town. Her dedication to this man is frustrating. He doesn't mind calling on her to get him out of a jam, but No! Women should not be detectives or PI's! Argggh! I can't wait for Molly to spring a certain bit of news on him in the next book (which I may borrow from my library?) because I would love to see his reaction.
So while I haven't read the first couple of books, and I enjoyed (?) In Like Flynn, I'm not sure if I enjoyed ODB well enough to continue on buying the books. Admittedly, I only have the two I've mentioned in this post (Murphy's Law is on it's way though), but I'm not sure that this is the cosy series for me. I could be wrong and once this issue about them being together is sorted it could be great so I will cautiously be reading further books in the series from my local library as they become available.
Sadly, Oh Danny Boy was not the amazing comeuppance I thought it would be for a certain NYPD Captain - and for that fact I've given this book

Well, those were my thoughts on Oh Danny Boy. I wish I had enjoyed the book more as the cover is gorgeous! Have you reading this series? Let me know what you think of Molly and Daniel's relationship in the comments below. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
And until next time,