Hello there!
It's been a hot minute since I got my butt in gear and got a video edited and up, but everyday life - and not having read much - might have had something to do with it ;-D
I'm still working on Mansfield Park which is kind of strange since I plowed through the first two volumes in two days, but for some reason the final volume just has me procrastinating. I've binge-watched both seasons of Wynonna Earp - and started rewatching Charmed! Anything but pick up MP and finish it. Grrrrr, very frustrating.
However, I am enjoying the book more than the adaptation. Edmund is a dick, Fanny is very bland and wishy-washy, and the Crawford siblings are actually not as shitty as the adapations make them out to be. Maybe Fanny will grow a spine soon because the big fight about her not wanting to marry a certain caddish gentleman has yet to happen, so finger's crossed.
I also mention the couple of new books I have acquired and a great new bookmark that I just could not resist buying.
Anyway, my fingers are freezing off at the moment. It's the first day of winter and boy, has it arrived right on schedule. I had all three cats hogging the bed with me last night, and since it's still really cold at the moment I will be heading straight from the computer to the couch and my blankets while I watch some more Charmed (baby W just born), and warm up with some chilli con-carne.
See you guys later,