February 21, 2015

Tropical Cyclone Marcia

I don't know if any of you lovely people out there have been following this, but Queensland has just been hit by a rather quick forming cyclone.  TC Marcia may have been small, but she certainly packed a punch (Cat 5), and she's not done yet.  Although downgraded to a Cat 1 cyclone, Marcia has been steadily heading down the coast, which means that by lunchtime today it should be over/near my town, and although I love wet and stormy weather, I'm not to enthused about the strong winds that could still be gusting at over 95km/h - even if she's downgraded again into a Low.

 Out and about after heading to the shops to pay a bill - in case I get flooded in!

Strangely while everyone back home on the coast is getting drenched, I had no real rain to report yesterday.  Then at about 10pm last night, the heavens opened and it has been raining ever since.  It's down to a drizzle at the moment, but there has been enough rain over the last 12 hours to start flooding some roads.  I hope that any of the rivers upstream don't flood - otherwise I'll be flooded in!

Wish I was back on the coast for this.  I just love watching the waves crash against the shore.  Although if we get more rain running off into the massive storm drain that backs up to my unit complex, then I'll definitely be seeing some wave action!

Thinking warm thoughts ;-D, and until next time,

Unexpected Hiatus

Hi everyone!  Sorry about the unexpected break I've taken.  I didn't realise it had been more than a month since I last posted anything, however I really did need a break from being a slave to the internet.

Over the last few weeks I've done almost zero reading.  A nice break to recharge my batteries, and the desire for reading.  It couldn't have come at a better time as while my family were over for a visit, we went shopping and I spied a copy of Obsession in Death by J.D. Robb (book 40!) and my mum just had to get it.  Unfortunately for her, she couldn't dive straight into it - but I could!  I convinced her to let me have it for the week (we'd already organised another visit), so I had a week to soak in as much of Obsession in Death as I could.  I found that I enjoyed it more than the previous couple of books in this neverending series.  Didn't have a clue as to who Eve's stalker was.  So rare to be truly surprised these days ;-D

I've also been on a quilting/sewing kick at the moment.  I spent a few hours sewing myself a Sunnies case - that may never be used for actual sunnies! - and really enjoyed it.  Learned a lot doing this, and next time I'll be more adventurous with the quilting.  So with project no #1 under my belt, I'm looking forward to more sewing this year - especially now that the weather is starting to cool off.  It's the perfect time to plan my winter projects.  I'm hoping to start a QAYG (quilt as you go) bedspread, but only if I find the perfect pattern ;-D

Anyway, have to love you and leave you as I'm going to order some upcoming book realeases.  My goal this year is to cull out some of the series that have fallen by the wayside, but there are some that I simply can't miss.  

Until next time,