Yep, it's true. October sucked.
At the beginning of the month a good family friend, and our neighbour for almost 25 years, passed away. It was expected, and unexpected at the same time, but it threw everything I had planned out the window. There was no way on earth that I felt like reading all the Stephen King books I had planned for my Kingoween challenge, so instead I fell back to my old favourites like the In Death series by JD Robb and Nalini Singh's Guild Hunter series.
We are all slowly recovering our equilibrium after this, but it takes time. I haven't been on the computer for almost 3 weeks, just disappearing into a book to escape and try to put all the sadness behind me for those few hours. But I've hit the turning point where I can go for a day or two without it being in the back of my mind.
Perhaps I'll try to get to some of my Kingoween books this month. Perhaps not. However, I think all this time away from the TV has done me a world of good. I think in the last month I've watched about 8 hours of TV!
Okay, that's about all that I can tell you. I didn't do anything amazing, or travel anywhere. Just spent the month at home, enjoying the wet weather that closed in around us and reading my favourite books. I hope your month was better than mine. If you discovered a great book, let me know in the comments as I'm looking for new books all the time.
So, until I see you next time,
Perhaps I'll try to get to some of my Kingoween books this month. Perhaps not. However, I think all this time away from the TV has done me a world of good. I think in the last month I've watched about 8 hours of TV!
Okay, that's about all that I can tell you. I didn't do anything amazing, or travel anywhere. Just spent the month at home, enjoying the wet weather that closed in around us and reading my favourite books. I hope your month was better than mine. If you discovered a great book, let me know in the comments as I'm looking for new books all the time.
So, until I see you next time,