July 6, 2017

The Stand Reading Update #1

Hi there!  Here's a quick video where I ramble on about The Stand by Stephen King.  I'm enjoying my foray into this post-pandemic landscape.  While it's not exactly how I had imagined it, I am flying through the chapters.

I will hopefully get another update done before I make a full review.

Let me know in the comments if you've read The Stand, and what you through of it.  Do you have a dream cast?  Let me know below ;-D 

 And until next time,

June Used Book Haul

Hello, my lovelies!

Yes, I have finally joined BookTube - well, new to posting videos anyway ;-D

My used book haul is the third video that I've posted.  I'm still getting used to some things, and I keep forgetting exactly where to hold up the book so it shows the full cover at times, but I'm enjoying this new (to me) way of sharing my love of books.

This is not a King haul, but I'll be hoping to have a reading update of The Stand up at some point in the near future as that it a chunker!

Hope you enjoy my foray into BookTube, and until next time,