December 21, 2013

Just the binding left

After taking yesterday away from the sewing machine, I really had to be strict with myself and sit down to get the quilting done.  As a total novice I stuck to a simple grid pattern.  I think it turned out pretty good!  Just the rustic, handmade  - and occasionally wonky - look I was going for (that's my story and I'm sticking to it ;-D ).

So, keep your fingers crossed for me as tomorrow is the day I attempt to bind my creations.  All I can say is 'Thank God for YouTube tutorials!'

December 19, 2013

Almost done

I thought I'd try my hand at making all my major gifts this Christmas...

and all I can say to that is that I won't be doing it again!

I've finished the quilted place mat for my uncle (a nice mix of denim and blue fabric), and only have to do the binding on the bed runner for my aunt.  However, I'm just about to quilt my mum's lap rug - and thats before I tackle the binding.  (P.S these are the first items I've ever tried to quilt!)

So, with only 5 more days left before the ceremonial handing over of presents,  I'll be the one slaving over the sewing machine and panicking.  Will I finish them time?  I hope so as I don't have any back up gifts on standby.  My hats off to all you competent quilters out there.  You make it seem so easy!

Keep your finger's crossed for me, won't you ;-D

Chilli Chutney

Just finished cleaning the kitchen after my first attempt at Chilli Chutney (thanks to my new CWA cook book).  It turned out so well that I had to share the recipe with you.

It's so easy to make its a great last minute gift idea.


• 1 1/2 cups finely diced red chillies (remove seeds for a milder flavour)
• 1 onion diced
• 1 1/2 cups of diced cooking apples (or if you can't get your hands on any, 1 x 400g tin of apple pie apples)
• 1 1/2 cups white sugar
• 1 1/2 cups white vinegar (I used Cornwall's)
• 1 small tsp salt


After finely dicing the apples, chilli's (remember to wear gloves!) and the onion, put them into a pan and start to cook for a minute or two. 

Add the sugar, vinegar and salt.

Bring to the boil, then turn down heat until you have a gentle simmer.  Stir periodically until the sauce thickens.  This should take about 1 1/2 - 2 hours. 

Bottle into hot sterilized jars, and if you want to, add  piece of glad wrap before sealing the jars.

Keep in cool, dark place.  Refrigerate after opening.

Best with ...

a sharp vintage cheese - with or without crackers - or on a cold meat sandwich.