It's seems like just last week when I was wishing family and friends "Happy New Year!", and now it's already three weeks into January and I'm only just getting around to updating my reading.
A lot has been happening on the reading front. I set my GR challenge goal to 100 again. A nice round number that I know I will reach. I've still got books limping in that were ordered in early December - with still one, no two, tardy packages still to arrive. I really do need a whole new bookshelf system as multiple bookcases aren't coping (and I can only have so many in a room!) that I'm considering going to a bracket system so I can use up the whole wall, not just where a bookcase can fit.
So far I've gone through nearly 30 books (with updates on GR still to come), and have also discovered a few new authors such as G.M. Malliet's Max Tudor series (thanks to Katie Howe for the recommendation), Elizabeth Peters Vicky Bliss series, and a few stand alone authors such as Sarah Maine, Anna Romer, Josephine Pennicott to name a few. Will definitely be trying to find more by all these authors in the coming months.
Have been reasonably restrained with my thrift shop purchases (only had one go at the 3 stores in town) and picked up a few books. Great find was a Robin Paige cozy mystery book - that turned out to be book 9, but it was still good - and a beautiful vintage copy of Tanglewood Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
January has also been the month of the heatwave here in QLD, Australia. It's been amazingly hot, and I've even had to put the A/C on a few times so the cats and I didn't melt. As you can imagine, hot weather is not conducive for tapping away at a keyboard for hours in a hot stuffy room - nor is it the best weather for having to mow your ¼ acre block! {for my efforts I ended up with strained ribs and unable to move for a few days} Today we've had a little bit of a reprieve and the overcast weather is wonderful ;-D
Well, that's my amazingly quick update for now. Will be posting book pics in the near future of all my bookmail (already on my IG feed), and an upcoming list of my must have pre-orders for the next few months.
Until then my lovelies,