It's that time of the year again! Okay, it's Spring here in Australia, but still.... Halloween!
This year I'm going ahead and having a King themed month. Yah, Kingoween! Autumn/Winter is just made for Stephen King reading, but early spring will still do, so I've got four books that I'm hoping to read - Pet Sematary, Misery, Doctor Sleep, and Gerald's Game - as well as a couple of movie adaptations.
Thankfully the heatwave that sprang up so unexpectedly - and worryingly - has broken. It's dropped about 18°c (I'm back in long sleeves and a cardigan!) from temperatures over the last 10 or so days. Having a WTF moment wondering how hot it's going to get this summer. But that's beside the point. What I'm trying to say in a rather long winded fashion, is that it's actually perfect weather to start on my Kingoween plans. I might heat up some lunch and watch one of the movies, and see how it goes from there.
If you want to join in on my Kingoween TBR, or have a TBR of your own, let me know down below ;-D
And that's all I've got to say at the moment. I"m off to make my lunch. So until I see you next time,