I don't know how many times I can say it, but sorry!
It's been about 4 weeks since my last post... I thought that I'd better avoid using the computer at work, and at home we live in an area that is a broadband black hole! We're only within an hour of Brisbane, but still can't get decent broadband coverage!
I've been getting alot of good books lately, and I even took the step and ordered off amazon.com - yes, you heard it right. So now I'll be getting Blood Noir before alot of other Aussie's (and a hell of a lot cheaper as well).
Some of the new books I've picked up recently are:
• Kate MacInerney - Howling at the Moon (#1 in Tales of an Urban Werewolf series)
• Adrian Phoenix - A Rush of Wings
• Lynn Viehl - all the Darkyn books so far...
• Carole Nelson Douglas - Dancing with Werewolves (#1 in the Delilah Street series)
• Deborah Cooke - Kiss of Fire (#1 in new Dragonfire series)
and a few others.
I'm looking forward to the new Silver Dragons series by Katie MacAlister. They are so charming and witty. Her books are perfect for the train or bus... or even for a lunch break read! Playing with Fire is out on May 6th, and is one of the books that will be winging it's way to me from amazon.com. Her second book in the series already has a release date! For more info go to www.katiemacalister.com
Another good series with a new title is the delightful Shanna Swendson's MSI. The 4th book "Don't Hex with Texas" was out on the 28th April (not that we'll see it yet) and deals with Katie's choice to give up the delicious and dreamy Owen, after being told by Merlin... yes, that Merlin, that it would be best if she left without telling him! Sounds like another winner to me!
Rachel Vincent has another title out in the Faythe Saunder's series, "Rogue" follows the wonderful "Stray" where we are introduced to fiesty Faythe, a werecat, who is being dragged out of college to her family's farm. In the first book, they delt with the stray's that were hunting the few tabbys (female werecats) and this book follows on their search for the remaining stray that escaped them, and his boss who hired them to kidnap the tabby's to begin with.
Rachel's style is similar to Christine Feehan, so if you love the Carpathians, or the Drake Sisters, then you will enjoy this.
Ok, that's it for the moment. I'll try to post again soon.... [bloody dial-up!]