August 11, 2011


I've been trying to find a place to rent for the last two years.  I have pets, I don't want to share, the GFC shot the rental market to hell, etc, etc.

Well, the other afternoon I received a phone call out of the blue (actually it came during the delivery of the couches - but that's another story :p) with the offer of a unit!

I won't be able to move for few weeks, but I don't care. . . I got a place! 

Oh God, that means I have to pack up all my books. . .

August 9, 2011


Am feeling soooooo sore today.  New couches arriving tomorrow, so old one moved into office. . . Only it took 3 of us to move it.... stupid big butt couch.  The new couches had better be heavenly or I'll be really ticked off.

Anyhoo, will be sleeping with the hot water bottle tonight :P  Fingers crossed I can move tomorrow.

In other news, during the massive cleanup I found some old copies of the Merry Gentry series that I had squirrelled away.  I do enjoying them, but. . . I don't know. I think my squickiness over the AB series is rubbing off on it - or maybe I just need a nap :-)