I can't believe that January is already behind us in the review mirror of life, and it seems the older I get, the faster time flies. As I have mentioned before, thanks to the insane weather conditions this summer, I have spent a lot of time inside reading. And this has led to a corker of a reading month. So far, in January, I have managed to plow through a grand total of...

Yeah. Just like last year, I have read over half of my Goodreads challenge goal in January. Now, if I can keep this up for even another month or two, I'll be well on my way to having my best ever year! If you are wondering if I'm competing against anyone/everyone by blowing through so many books
a) NO, andb) I only compete against my own previous results.
and to my surprise, even thought I don't like reading Kindle/eBooks (because they make my eyes sore, and I can get bad tension headaches), I fly through them. I devour the electronic editions so much faster than I can the print versions.
Anyway, to wrap this up - Yes, January was a great reading month. I discovered a few new series, and a couple of new authors that I will be trying more of. I hope you also had a great reading month, whether that was finishing two books, or one hundred and twenty.
If you have any recommendations - I'm always looking for new books and authors - please let me know in the comments below, and until I see you next time,