January was a pretty good reading month. I have read 40 books so far (with 2 days left in the month), but I'm really happy with what I've read so far.
I managed to finish the Firekeeper Saga - after 12 years of looking for the books! - and I think I've mentioned it in most of the video's I've made recently that I had at least filled in the missing gaps in my collection. It is a wonderful fantasy series that has no sex, sexual violence, graphic violence, nor does it have any swearing as such. Truly, if you are hesitant about reading fantasy series because of the violence and graphic sex that usually accompanies a lot of fantasy books, then please try this authors work. Okay, announcement over.
Apart from that I've reread a few of the Stephanie Laurens books, contemplated picking up The Count of Monte Cristo, as well as The Great Zoo of China, but decided that steamy tropical weather was not conducive to a good reading experience so I'm waiting for autumn to kick in. Cold Comfort Farm is giving me some problems. I put it down the other day (I'm 48 pages in) and I just don't feel the urge to pick it back up again. Flora isn't a character that I am drawn to, but I hope once I get into the story again, that will change.
I don't have any solid plans for next months reading. I'll choose another classic from my #aclassicamonth list, but that's about all. I'm not even sure if any of the authors I read have any new releases in February, so I'll play it by ear.
Thank you for tuning in to my little rambling chats. I hope to see you all next time, and until then,

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