
A self-confessed book tart, I have been collecting books since childhood - and I still have my first ever book!  It is an old beat up copy of CORKY by Patricia Scarry (Golden Books #486).

I recently lost my old cat Titchy (she was over 18 years of age), and only had my 2 furry flatmates, Evie Nyx, and Phrynekinns, for a while until I ended up with a new furry baby in my life.  I’m back to being a 3 cat momma.  It’s always a mystery as to who pop up now and then in posts.
Update: 26 May, 2019.  Well, I have just added another furball to the fold. Earl Grey is the newest floof and I will be sure to keep everyone on their toes.

Would love to live in a period cottage with a big wood fireplace.  However, I am now living in my first HOME!  Can’t believe it’s already been 3 years.

Have a home, and balcony, full of plants.  Love flowers - especially old fashioned roses 🌹 that smell like roses! - and strangely enough... ferns ;-D

Love to take photographs.

Have recently discovered quilting!

1 comment:

  1. Hello,Dallas
    I have watched your videos and I am crazy about the book that you recommend.Do you have any contact information that we could discuss with that? Like, email address or something. I am looking forward your reply.Thank you
