Where has the week gone? It seems like it was just yesterday that I was posting last weeks Top 5. Anyway, this week we are doing one of my favourite tags - the re-read. I love re-reading books! It's always fun to go back to a book you loved and fall in love with it all over again... which is why I am so surprised when I watch YouTube and see a majority of people don't re-read! Yes, I know. How can you not re-read a truly awesome book? Anyhow, lets get on with this list...
Yes, I do read Nora Roberts. I particularly enjoy these two books, also I re-read The Search at least once or twice a year, but I just didn't have enough room to add the picture ;-D I like most Nora Roberts books because there is a little bit of romance, some mystery, occasionally paranormal aspects, and they aren't overly violent (which is a nice change from time to time). I find I read these books more in winter when I can snuggle up under a blanket on the couch with a hot cup of tea.
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covers are made of that suede-y material that just doesn't seem to show damage! |
This is the first book in J.D. Robb's (aka Nora Roberts) massive In Death series - that will see the release of the 40th
book in February next year! These books are great to just chill out
with when you're in a bit of a detective, slash mystery, mood.
This is an amazing Urban Fantasy series! See what the world could be like if Archangels were the apex predator. I tend to read the first three books together, almost as if they were one bind up. Can't recommend this series highly enough if you want something great to read that's not going to take 2 weeks, or you love those of the angelic persuasion ;-D
I love this series, and although the last 5 or so books have been less than stellar, I can't help but go back to Two for the Dough and Hot Six when I want something that's guaranteed to make me laugh ;-D
I adore this book - and series - and as you can see from the photo I took of the spine this is a well read, and re-read, book ;-D
Just leaving a pic of the spine of some of my more well re-read books ;-D
Okay, so I promise that's me done for this weeks Top 5. I hope you found something
new to read, and if you want to find out more about this series, it was
created by the lovely Lainey at GINGERREADSLAINEY and I'll include a link to the Goodreads group {here} if you would also like to participate.
If you have any questions, or comments, I'd love to hear from you... and you know what to do down below ;-D
So until next time,