Apparently June was my reread Nora Roberts month! Yep, once I hauled myself out of my reading funk with Shelter in Place, it opened the floodgates for rereading all my favourite NR novels from the last few years.
Birthright, Black Hills, The Search, The Witness, The Obsession. . . and Come Sundown? I don't know how that snuck in there, but I didn't hate rereading it so. . . ?
However, this was only the first stop in my rereading binge. Next I moved onto Ilona Andrews and had so much fun reacquainting myself with her Hidden Legacy books as well as the delightful characters in the Innkeeper Chronicles *sigh* Then it was onto Anne Bishop's A Novel of the Others series as I devoured all 5 books in two days - as well as ordering book 6, Lake Silence - so I will have the complete set.
I think I've gotten the rereading urge out of my system (for the moment), and have moved on to some new reads. Last night I read Sorcery & Cecelia by Patricia C. Wrede & Caroline Stevermer and found it to be a fun fantasy of manners book. It's been sitting on my tbr shelves for at least 18 months, but I just haven't had the inclination to read it until yesterday. So I struck while the iron was hot and read it while indulging by eating dinner in bed (yum!) and found it charming and sweet, in the nicest way possible. Will definitely be looking for books 2 and 3 to add to my collection.
The weather here has been cooperating marvelously. It's been very cold and foggy, with a couple of rainy days, which has lent itself to staying indoors and snuggling up on the couch with a couple of blankets - or making a nest in bed and whiling away the hours with a guaranteed comfort read, a couple of cats and a hot cup of tea. Heavenly.
Anyway, that is all I have at the moment. I need to get lunch in to oven so I'll say cheerio for now, and until I see you guys next time,