This is the week that the books from my PEL binge should arrive - and indeed they have started to trickle in. I walk down the road to my cute little post office every day to check the mail and yesterday the first of the PEL editions turned up. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë and David Copperfield by Charles Dickens both arrived in amazing condition.

However, the copy of Tess of the d'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy was in less than desirable condition {as you can tell from the webcam shot above}. The front cover was all bent and smushed and there is obvious crinkling of the pages throughout the book. Not what I expected when I ordered this

Thankfully today's package made up for that disappointment. All the books that arrived in the post this morning were in excellent condition Hard Times, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Mill on the Floss and Sons and Lovers - and all had that rubberized texture that I love! So I will bury my disappointment over the poorer condition of Tess because, truthfully, that could have happened while the books were in transit, and instead bookgasm over my growing PEL collection.
I can't wait to get my new bookcase so I can line up all these amazing spines on the shelf ;-D
Do you collect these gorgeouse PEL editions? Let me know what your favourite cover design is. The covers I'd love to get my hands on are Pamela by Samuel Richardson and The Monk by Matthew Lewis... oh, and Bleak House, The Pickwick Papers, Martin Chuzzlewit and The Old Curiosity Shop by Dickens. Hmmm, Daniel Deronda by George Eliot and perhaps The Return of the Native by Hardy. Okay, basically I want most of them! ;-D But unfortunately they are Out of Print (OOP) and waaaaay too expensive to purchase second hand (over $200!). Too rich for my blood.
Hmmm, I sense another post in my future - why aren't all the PEL titles still available? ;-D
I'm off to reorganize my shelves so I can fit these babies in, but until next time,