Well, hello there!
It has been a hot minute since I posted something here (or on BookTube), so after filming 2 other scrapped reading updates over the last couple of weeks, I finally sat down in front of the computer and just got to it.
I'd like to be able to say that my reading over the last couple of weeks has been amazing, and intellectually uplifting and that is why I've taken so long to post something... but the truth is that everyday life has been getting in the way of my bookish wants. Had to call the plumber in last month - on a Sunday no less! - because the hose under the kitchen sink ruptured and I had water EVERYWHERE! A complete nightmare.
Then the car had to go in for a service, and of course it needed stuff done (well, she's 17 years old so it's only to be expected). I've had the battery replaced as well as the plugs and leads so we're good for the moment, but it is still stressful to have all this happen within about three weeks. Never mind the damage it's doing to my bank account ;-D
Meanwhile for the most part, my reading has dropped of significantly and I've been watching more TV. Free to air programing is abysmal, so I have been falling back on TV series like The Murdoch Mysteries and Threshold, with a little bit of Mapp & Lucia thrown in for good measure. I'm almost through season 7 of TMM and I do love the releationship between Det. Murdoch and Dr. Ogden. They are so perfectly suited. Anyway, after I get this post up I'll be heading back to finish up a few more episodes so I can continue on to season 8.
I did manage to read the ILL copy of Cycle of the Werewolf by Stephen King that I ordered late in February. I ordered it early because I thought that there may be some issues trying to get a copy for loan. However, after a few problems locating a copy, it arrived early so I had to read it out of publication order, but that's okay because I've been putting off reading Cujo any way I can. I so don't want to read about an animal in distress. I am, however, currently rereading the Goddess with a Blade series by Lauren Dane and enjoying the hell out of it. Ah, urban fantasy. My comfort genre.
So that's it. I haven't been terribly active online, or anything like that. In fact, this is the first time my computer has even been on in over a month (and boy, did Norton not like that!) and I haven't missed it in the slightest. Having said that, I am eagerly awaiting books in the mail as I may have gone a bit overboard over the weekend and ordered 13 books.... oops! I'll haul them to BookTube, and post a link here, when I get them, so I have a week or so before I have to think about filming anything else.
Okay, I'm off. Washing waits for no man.
I hope you have had a great reading month, and until I see you next time,
Meanwhile for the most part, my reading has dropped of significantly and I've been watching more TV. Free to air programing is abysmal, so I have been falling back on TV series like The Murdoch Mysteries and Threshold, with a little bit of Mapp & Lucia thrown in for good measure. I'm almost through season 7 of TMM and I do love the releationship between Det. Murdoch and Dr. Ogden. They are so perfectly suited. Anyway, after I get this post up I'll be heading back to finish up a few more episodes so I can continue on to season 8.
I did manage to read the ILL copy of Cycle of the Werewolf by Stephen King that I ordered late in February. I ordered it early because I thought that there may be some issues trying to get a copy for loan. However, after a few problems locating a copy, it arrived early so I had to read it out of publication order, but that's okay because I've been putting off reading Cujo any way I can. I so don't want to read about an animal in distress. I am, however, currently rereading the Goddess with a Blade series by Lauren Dane and enjoying the hell out of it. Ah, urban fantasy. My comfort genre.
So that's it. I haven't been terribly active online, or anything like that. In fact, this is the first time my computer has even been on in over a month (and boy, did Norton not like that!) and I haven't missed it in the slightest. Having said that, I am eagerly awaiting books in the mail as I may have gone a bit overboard over the weekend and ordered 13 books.... oops! I'll haul them to BookTube, and post a link here, when I get them, so I have a week or so before I have to think about filming anything else.
Okay, I'm off. Washing waits for no man.
I hope you have had a great reading month, and until I see you next time,