Okay now. I know it's been a shitty couple of days in US politics (wish I could turn on the TV, Twitter, or any news program and NOT hear about Trump!) and you'd think living in Australia it would be okay, but no. It's all over the freaking media. So, I'm avoiding most of it via old Agatha Christie movies. There nothing like a sweet Miss Marple mystery to throw all things Trump out of your head.
On the book front, I've received a lot of books in the mail over the last week. Most of them were either my usual Stephen King hardcovers that I'm attempting to collect, or a handful of books that Sophie {HERE} made me buy because she made them sound so amazing! One of the pitfalls of booktube - all the recommendations. I'm like a kid in a candy shop ;-D
So, I hope you enjoy this haul. I'm still waiting on some overdue parcels, but hopefully they will arrived soon and I can start planning my August Wrap Up.
Let me know if you've read any of these books. I'd like to hear what you thought of it.
And until next time,