I had such a great week! Found some amazing books - including one that I have been eying off for ages (and it costs a fortune) - at the annual booksale that takes place at the Town Hall here. Spent a good 3 hours wandering around on the first day with my mother, and found some great books. I had to go back the next day to see if there was anything else - and there was! A much sort after King! *sigh*
Anyway, I bought a stack at the booksale, and then picked up some more books during the week - as well as ordering some more titles online (but that's for another video!).
In the meantime, I had the bright idea to move a huge bookcase into my bedroom (so I could have all my favourite books nearby when I want them), but now I have to finish sorting and shelving hundreds of books before the electrician is due on Thursday. Why do I do this to myself?
Let me know in the comments if you've read any of these books, I'd love to know what you thought of them - but please, no spoilers ;-D
So that's all from me at the moment. Have to get off the computer and back to hauling books.
And until I see you next time,