Wow, things are just crazy right now. While Winter was quite chilly, there was little rain - which we desperately need - and by the time August rolled around, well, the temperatures shot up. It was almost as if the last week or so of July was Spring, and then… BOOM! Summer, baby! I’m completely over it.
Which leads me to the next item in my “things be crazy” list. Water. Yes, that life giving liquid that everyone needs to live. It seems like I’m out. That’s correct. My tank runneth dry. It has been my biggest stressor over the last few days since I discovered that I had but mere inches left in the water tank. That facilitated a phone call to a recommended water carrier who was happy to schedule a delivery for 2000 gallons - for the Friday, 13th October! Honestly, the demand for water at the moment is unreal. We haven’t had any decent rain for nearly 7+weeks, and even then it only filled the one tank to about 2/3 full. Then yesterday I went out to the tank to check, and thanks to a blocked toilet over the weekend, my tank is down about an inch or two of water. So today, Monday, I called the water carriers early to see if I could get any leftover water from a delivery that didn’t use the full water tank’s worth, and nope. But I could go on the wait list for a cancelled order - with 40 other customers. It just isn’t my week for this shit.
So that leaves me with a few bottles of bought water until I can go into town next (where I can hopefully but a few 10L bottles) and eeking out what little water I can scrape together from other sources. There is a small tank on a stand at the back of the house, but I only used that for the plants so I’m not game to drink that, but it will be fine for flushing the toilet. So if anyone does read this, keep your fingers crossed for me as it’s going to be a bumpy 11 days until delivery. On the plus side, I’m shuffling along pretty well. I still get very fatigued and the brain fog is no joke at times, but my achilles tendon has settled down to the best it’s been in years, so I’ll take this as a small victory in the face of having limited bathing opportunities for the next week.
Now, onto the reading front. I’ve been fairly restrained over the last couple of weeks on the book buying front. There has not been a huge amount of books that have caught my eye, but some of the ones that did are well and truly out of my price range. I just can’t get over the economy at the moment. Prices are ridiculous on all consumption fronts. A mass market paperback should not cost $20+, and I’m completely pissed off at the meteoric rise in food prices and petrol. I bought petrol last Friday and it was $2/L (or over $7.55 per gallon). Anyway, rant tangent aside, although I haven’t been buying up big on the book front, I have been reading some interesting books. I’ve gone off the fantasy books at the moment, and have had a real desire to dive into some Urban Fantasy, as well as some Paranormal Cosy Mysteries. So I’ve been rereading some old favourites as well as trying some new recommendations. Once I get through my current KU reads I might go back through my finished books and put together a recommendations list… yes?
So that brings me to right now as I come to the end of this post. I’m rather sporadic in my uploading, and I’m still on the hunt for an affordable replacement laptop, or desktop, so that I can get back into filming some videos for BookTube. Until then, I’ll leave you here. I need to start closing off some of the windows and curtains on the back of the house so that I don’t get roasted as the sun starts to scorch the back of the house in an hour or so. So, it’s goodbye from me, and until I see you next time,