Well, after more than a week of trying to sucessfully log on, I've finally gotten back into the blog. I don't know if it's the dial-up (when are we going to get broadband, huh?) or if it's just that I seem to try to access my blog during peak times...
Anyhow, I've been busy lately. That whole job hunting thing. That doesn't mean that I haven't been able to read anything. My lovely librarian put me down to receive "Mercury's Law" when it first hit their shelves. I have to return it next week - don't want too! - and I've really enjoyed it. This happens to be my favourite of the Breeds series. It has betrayal, seduction, misunderstandings and suspense. Two thumbs up!
I've also managed to get alot of the e-books online... OMG! I've had soooo much fun with this. All my favourite authors there for the downloading! I've got the complete MJD, Christine Feehan, Lora Leigh, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Jacquelyn Franks, Christine Warren, and many more. While it isn't as good as being able to physically hold a book and feel the pages, it's not too damn bad either. Try it, I can guarantee you that its a hell of a lot cheaper as well!

Having said that, I ended up with an e-book copy of Swallowing Darkness (I couldn't wait the extra month for it to hit Aussie shores) and loved it. I get the feeling that this is the last in the Merry Gentry series, which is a shame because although this series revolves are sex... alot of sex... it was a wonderful story. I'll miss Merry and her men! You find out who killed Essus (I knew it!) and why, plus all the little back plots seem to be filled in nicely. It does get a tad busy in places. LKH seems to try to be tying up all her little subplots in the one story, where you probably could have made this a two book ending and really fleshed it out more. But that's my feelings on this, you may love it as is!?
Anyhow, must get back to the job hunting... yah! [says sarcastically] and find myself a new job.