Ok, take two...
Stupid computer just ate the first draft of this post, so I've had to start again... grrrr. Anyway, as I was saying, Amazon delivered my latest 3 parcels during the week, and although I was thrilled beyond all measure, I was most excited about receiving the long awaited "The Iron Hunt" by Marjorie M Liu.
Unlike some, I had no problems following the back story, and although it is a little complex, it is a great premise. Image being the Last Hunter on earth, and the Veil holding the darkness back is weakening... oh yeah, bring it on!
Now although I longed to rip into this book as soon as I put my hands on it, I realised that I had better wait a while, like say until after I'd returned from the Medieval Tournament! So yesterday morning, I packed up my stuff and got my butt out to the field where they were holding the 19th Abbey Medieval Tournament. I waited there for more than an hour before I got in the gate. I was the only one in my line (VIP's, Performers/Media) while the line for tickets was out the gate! I had a great day, the weather was great, sunny and not too windy, although it was cold there at 7.30am - 6.5 degrees celcius!
Well, I spent a few hours there, spent too much money and walked my feet off. Next year the Tournament should be held in it's new permanent venue and my only hope is that it has plenty of seating!
So I got my sorry butt home yesterday, and hopped into my comfies and picked up the much anticipated book and started to read. I didn't stop until I was called for dinner, and by then I was back to flicking through the book to re-read my favourite parts (yes, I speed read).
Maxine is quite a lady, very deep and needy at times, but devoted to her 'family'. I loved the 'boys', and the mysterious Oturu - I kinda get the feeling she's going to end up with him in the future? Anyway, the book is a great read. I found the characters fun to follow, and fell in love with the Boys. If you're looking for a good urban fantasy then this is one to add to the list. Some might have problems keeping up with all the backstory and stuff, but once you get that clear, it makes reading it more enjoyable. Alot like her "Dirk & Steel" series in tone. That whole 'big bad is coming' vibe. 3½ stars from me.
I'll try to put some of my Medieval Tournament pics & video's on next time.
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