Well it looks like we'll be getting a wet, humid Christmas this year. It's been raining on and off for the last 2 days and the weatherman thinks it'll continue until Christmas Day.
I've been in a mad rush to wrap all the pressies and get them under the tree. We've had to put the tree up into a container this time after last years debacle. Our little devil in disguise decided that we'd find it really cute if he got into the lower ornaments and then chewed the string of lights! Thankfully we caught him just as he was picking out a strand to start chewing, but really, you'd think he was a dog the way he keeps chewing on things and following us around the house.
My recent arrivals from Amazon kept me busy for all of 2 days. I devoured the 2 books. I liked Cast in Silence, but wasn't all that fussed on "When Demon's Walk" by Patricia Briggs. If you haven't tried it yet, stick with her Mercy Thompson or Alpha & Omega series. While it shows promise, it's not quite up to her recent style.
One package left to come is my copy of Supernatural (Season 4). Can't wait to get my mitts on it and settle down to reacquaint myself with the story. Gotta love Jensen and Jared. I mean, who doesn't mind staring at them for a few hours.
Anyhow, I'm now looking for a Megan Washington CD. I saw her on Rockwiz and Spicks and Specks a few weeks ago. She has an amazing voice. I forgot to ask when I went to JB Hi-Fi last week. I had to go and get my mum the CD she's been subtly hinting at... yes, it is the Susan Boyle CD. I think nearly every mum and grandma will be getting it in their chrissie stocking this year.
Have a Merry Christmas, and a wonderful 2010
December 21, 2009
November 29, 2009
Sequels galore!
So many books, so little time until Christmas!
I've been up to my ears in books and reference materials lately (study, study, study), but I've had a bit of time to squeeze in some of the more important titles :)
First cab off the rank is the 2nd book in the new Lili St.Crow series, Betrayal. The first book, Strange Angels, set up the world of teenager Dru Anderson. In Betrayals, we pick her up at a new school, trying to learn the skills she'll need to survive. But someone is trying to make sure that Dru doesn't make it.
This book follows on seemlessly from Strange Angels, and there are a few twists and turns to the plot that keep you guessing. Dru and some of the other characters are back from the first book, and Betrayals nicely sets up the 3rd (as yet unnamed) title. A great book for teens and adults alike. No swearing, no sex scenes. Just a good read.
Another 2 books I've just managed to get my hands on are the PC Cast books Elphame's Choice and Brighid's Quest. These are the last 2 books in the wonderful Parthalon series that follows the lives of Epona's Chosen Ones. These have only just be re-released in Australia under the Harlequin Teen label (I found mine in Big W for $11.94!) If you enjoyed Divine by Mistake, then read these - you'll love them!
NOTE: Also newly released is the Kindle e-book, Divine Beginnings. I don't know if it will be available in the re-released Divine by Mistake, but surely there should be a version available for those who live outside of the US?
I've still got a huge pile to go (with more on their way from Amazon... oops!)
I've been up to my ears in books and reference materials lately (study, study, study), but I've had a bit of time to squeeze in some of the more important titles :)
First cab off the rank is the 2nd book in the new Lili St.Crow series, Betrayal. The first book, Strange Angels, set up the world of teenager Dru Anderson. In Betrayals, we pick her up at a new school, trying to learn the skills she'll need to survive. But someone is trying to make sure that Dru doesn't make it.
This book follows on seemlessly from Strange Angels, and there are a few twists and turns to the plot that keep you guessing. Dru and some of the other characters are back from the first book, and Betrayals nicely sets up the 3rd (as yet unnamed) title. A great book for teens and adults alike. No swearing, no sex scenes. Just a good read.
Another 2 books I've just managed to get my hands on are the PC Cast books Elphame's Choice and Brighid's Quest. These are the last 2 books in the wonderful Parthalon series that follows the lives of Epona's Chosen Ones. These have only just be re-released in Australia under the Harlequin Teen label (I found mine in Big W for $11.94!) If you enjoyed Divine by Mistake, then read these - you'll love them!
NOTE: Also newly released is the Kindle e-book, Divine Beginnings. I don't know if it will be available in the re-released Divine by Mistake, but surely there should be a version available for those who live outside of the US?
Now, I've just finished the new JD Robb book, Kindred in Death. At number 28 in the series (I think), I'm amazed that she can still make the characters so likeable. This time Eve is chasing a devious killer who struck the family of one of their own. When the evidence starts to pile up, Dallas and her team think they are about to arrest their perpetrator; little do they know yet that someone has gone to great lengths to tease and taunt them by using a variety of identities. Overconfidence can lead to careless mistakes. But for Dallas, one mistake might be all she needs to bring justice.
August 24, 2009
Stuck in a Regency Rut
I know, it's typical isn't it. You get bored with one subject, then dive feet first into the next thing that tickles your fancy. Yep, I'm guilty. I've been so overwhelmed with everything lately - study, work experience, family etc, that I've just escaped into my favourite era :) If only I could pull off a Lost in Austen... only replace P&P with the Bar Cynster - hmmm, Devil Cynster {sorry, had to wipe the drool off my keyboard}.
So with that in mind, I've made myself a Regency Only blog - Tea & Scandal (http://tea-scandal.blogspot.com) where I can escape the annoying vulgarities and aggrivations of today, and dwell in my no technology, no pollution, daydreams of a bygone era.
August 22, 2009
Regency Blues
I've been feeling at a loss lately. I'm over my paranormal books at the moment, and am leaning towards more hysterical... sorry, historical titles. It's been so long since I've found a decent Regency author like Stephanie Laurens. I received the last 2 books in her Bastion Club series last Friday and spent the whole day just demolishing them. I wasn't too enthused on Christian's story. Boy mets girl, boy falls in love, boy looses love and moves on.... girl comes back to boy and needs his help to solve her husbands murder, girl fills boy in on what really happened, they forgive each other after she's nearly killed, they marry and live happily ever after. It was better than some other titles I've read, but The Edge of Desire wasn't my top Stephanie Laurens book.

Now Mastered by Love on the other hand was great! After waiting for years, we finally find out who the mysterious and dashingly dangerous Dalziel is. He is none other than a Duke! After resigning his commission, he goes home to take up the reins of the dukedom after his father's unexpected death. He overcomes past hurts and finds true love while trying to keep his private life out of the gossip of the grand dames of the ton. Especially since he now has to wed to prevent his title being resumed by Prinny! His is a story that tugs at the heartstrings, and makes you just want to keep reading more. A great strong finish to a wonderful series.
The only downside to getting these 2 books is that in the back of MbL, the author lets us all know that she has another series, The Black Cobra Quartet, that will include the characters from both the Bastion Club and the Bar Cynsters series. OMG! Just when I thought it was safe to go to the bookshop, she does this to me... I've been online and checked out the online previews available and the Untamed Bride (out 27 October 2009) looks to be quite a ride. Although it seems to be more in line with the Bastion Club vibe with ex-Whitehall agents ferrying sensitive information home. It will involve Royce, and other of the Bastion Club and will end up at Somersham Place for a Cynster gathering... is she trying to kill us?
The Bastion Club titles can be read individually, but work better when you read them in order
So keep your eyes peeled for the new series. If they are anything like the Bastion and Cynster books, then I'll be happy.

Now Mastered by Love on the other hand was great! After waiting for years, we finally find out who the mysterious and dashingly dangerous Dalziel is. He is none other than a Duke! After resigning his commission, he goes home to take up the reins of the dukedom after his father's unexpected death. He overcomes past hurts and finds true love while trying to keep his private life out of the gossip of the grand dames of the ton. Especially since he now has to wed to prevent his title being resumed by Prinny! His is a story that tugs at the heartstrings, and makes you just want to keep reading more. A great strong finish to a wonderful series.
The only downside to getting these 2 books is that in the back of MbL, the author lets us all know that she has another series, The Black Cobra Quartet, that will include the characters from both the Bastion Club and the Bar Cynsters series. OMG! Just when I thought it was safe to go to the bookshop, she does this to me... I've been online and checked out the online previews available and the Untamed Bride (out 27 October 2009) looks to be quite a ride. Although it seems to be more in line with the Bastion Club vibe with ex-Whitehall agents ferrying sensitive information home. It will involve Royce, and other of the Bastion Club and will end up at Somersham Place for a Cynster gathering... is she trying to kill us?
The Bastion Club titles can be read individually, but work better when you read them in order
• Captain Jacks Woman
• A Lady Chosen
• A Gentleman's Honor
• A Lady of His Own
• A Fine Passion
• To Distraction
• Beyond Seduction
• The Edge of Desire
• Mastered by Love
So keep your eyes peeled for the new series. If they are anything like the Bastion and Cynster books, then I'll be happy.
August 10, 2009
Not much done... feeling sick :(
I've been back to QBD recently to find out how my orders were going. Some of them should have been in more than 2 weeks ago, but I've now learnt that alot of the titles are OOS (until September for God sakes! What the *%@$?) or the release date has been pushed back. I swear, Australian publishers really need to pull their fingers out. By the time they release a title - mostly with a crappy cover - I could have ordered it from Amazon.com for less (including p&h and exchange rate) and had it in my hands for more than 2 months!!! I still can't get over how the powers that be can have the nerve to charge me $21.99 for a book that I could order online for $7.99US. It's about time something was done about it. Either that or nearly all my literary shopping will be done online & overseas. It's either that or move over to the US... now that I think about it :)

Anyhow, I'm still stuck on my urban fantasy kick at the moment. I've been inundated with witches and shifters. Usually when they describe an 'alpha', an image just doesn't jump out at me anymore. I've read so many shifter books that there is only a limited vocabulary to describe how protective/loyal/hot/dominating/alpha a guy is... that is until I found some of the pics on Gena Showalter's blog. OMG!, the guys she has on that site can be just sizzling... hello, Alpha! :) If I was writing about any kind of shifter and I wanted to base it one someone, well, look no further. This is the site I'd hit to find a muse. What can I say, I'm practically drooling on my keyboard as I type this.
Now although I've been re-reading some of my favourite books recently, things have been slow. I'm coming down with a sore throat {popping another soother} and I just haven't felt like reading for days. Now I know there's something wrong with me. Last night I finished Black Magic Woman by Justin Gustainis. It's actually the first urban fantasy/paranormal romance that I've read where the main female character is openly bisexual. It fit into the storyline seemlessly and it wasn't made into a big deal - by either the author or the characters. It didn't repulse me, or turn me off a good story. Usually it's a minor character and it's only added for the shock value, I think, but this was well done.
Anyway, wish me luck. I'm off to get a cup of tea and a sandwich
August 7, 2009
Forum Overload!

Not alot of traffic on IA, but a mass of choices on LKH. I've been trying to find little teasers for the next books in their series, but so far only IA has been forthcoming {and such a tease too!}. I read a prologue for the new Kate Daniels book, Magic Bleeds, that's due out in May 2010... I shouldn't have done that... how am I going to survive without a new Curran hit every now and then??? especially since reading the oh-so fabulously addictive prologue? I WANT MORE!!!

Thankfully, since I'm new to her site (well, not totally new - just more regular now :p) and have been diligently searching through the old blog entries to find anything about Kate 4. It took awhile, but I now have read all the new stuff. FYI I've also just totally stuffed myself because instead of calming my Kate-Curran desire, I've just made myself an addict. I'll get Curran withdrawal symptoms soon! Oh well. R U a Kate or an Anita fan? I've included 2 icons for you to choose from (above). Feel free to use them, but please give me credit for them and not steal them.
August 5, 2009
New Kate Daniels/Curran Snippets

I just finished reading some snippets on Ilona Andrews blog for the next Kate Daniels book, Magic Bleeds, that's due out next May. They were fantastic. Not long (unfortunately) but just enough to wet the tastebuds for more Curran-Kate. How can she be sooo mean, teasing us with tiny little tidbits? Now I just want to be able to dive into the book and find out what Curran did!
There is also a Curran POV scene from his first meeting with Kate at Unicorn Lane that was good too. Although he isn't instantly smitten like most shifters are when they meet their mates (most authors have them instantly in love, or in lust), but he is intrigued by her. That's as good a start as any to a relationship, isn't it.
Here's hoping that Ilona Andrews will add some more snippets (either of the new book, or from Curran's POV) and keep us in catnip for the next few months until the first chapter is posted on the website.
If you want to get your hands on the posting, just head to www.ilona-andrews.com/ where you can find the snippets on her blog. But for more spoilers, head on over to her forum.
July 28, 2009
Supernatural Fix

Well, I've been waiting for the season finale of Supernatural and it looks like it will be everything I could hope for... Sam v Dean (finally!). I suppose this is just a natural extention of my love for paranormal/urban fantasy stories, but being able to see things on TV that you can usually only picture in your mind while reading a book is a great boon.
So while I wait for the final episode of Season Four, I'll be also reading some of my new acquisitions. I've just gotten the new Chintz n China series by Yasmine Galenorn (haven't read it yet but will let you know what I think of it), and the new Nalini Singh. I did manage to get my hands on the new Lilith Saintcrow book, Strange Angels (written under Lili St. Crow) and I loved it. My review is posted on Amazon.com if you want to take a side trip :P

The other new book I've read is a Julie Kenner title called The Good Ghouls Guide to Getting Evan. It's about a very smart girl, Beth Fraiser, who gets turned into a vamp simply because the jock vampires want her to figure out the formula to making them immune to the sun's rays. Her mother doesn't notice when she doesn't come home that night, and her best friend freaks, but is cool about it... she is also the secret blogger who has the whole school jumping. Sounds like a so-so premise for a book, but it works well. Especially when Charlie (the guy who's runner up valedictorian behind Beth) turns out to be a Vampire Hunter's grandson. It's a good funny read, perfect for the bus or train. The second title Good Ghouls Do is out today!
YA books are sometimes overlooked by adults. They view them as childrens books, but actually they can be very much in the adult vein - just in a more innocent setting. If you like your books without sex and violence on every second page, but enjoy paranormal books, then maybe a YA series is just the ticket for you?
I've also made a slight departure from the world of Vampires, Werewolves and Witches. I was so bored at my local library, I haven't been able to find anything new to read there for ages. It seems that I have most of the books they get before they get them (oops!) and I tried to find a small mystery that I'd spotted on Amazon.com. It was a Death on Demand title by Carolyn Hart. Strange I know, but I picked up book 15 I think, and I really enjoyed it. I don't know if I'll read each and every title, but I will try and find the first one and see if its as good. If it starts out well, then I may just have to borrow them. I think you need to venture into some other genre every now and then, even if it's only to let you go back to you favourite books with fresh eyes. I know that if I don't take a break from it every now and then, I can't seem to find anything good to read. It all seems boring and repetative. But after a break, the same boring books actually become fabulous and I wonder how I could ever think that they were staid.
July 18, 2009
Too Many Books!

Back again after a break. I was in a mad state when I had to finish my assignments for my course. I nearly cried when I saw how much I had to do. So everything else that wasn't essential got put on the backburner. That included reading... OMG!
I've now started some more units, but these aren't as intense as the first ones, so I do have a little bit more leisure time. There are so many good books coming out over the next few weeks. I've already got my name down for book 3 in the Jill Kismet series, Redemption Alley, and book 4 should be available at the end of September (Flesh Circus). I should receive my copy of Hidden Currents soon, plus the latest Nalini Singh book in the Psy-Changeling series. I've also got Lora Leigh's latest book, Bengal's Heart in my cart ready to go at Amazon. Unfortunately, there are so many titles to choose from, and I'm a bit strapped with paying for my education that I have to whittle my selections down the the must haves, and not the 'but I want it's'.
I have finished reading the latest Stephanie Plum books, and enjoyed them both. You have to be in the right mood for Stephanie. I still love Lula, and I hope that Janet Evanovich will put more Ranger/Morelli angst in there. Just who will SP end up with? I loved the latest book in Christine Feehan's "Leopard-People" series, and although Burning Wild took many, many, many years to come out, it was well worth the wait. I loved the fact that it wasn't just Emma & Jake, but that old favourites like Connor and Drake were in there too. I hope that Drake is the next Leopard to find a mate. Hopefully the surgery goes well and he can shift in the future.
Amazingly, after all the hype, I was quite disappointed with this last Anita Blake story, "Skin Trade". I was looking forward to it, and had pre-ordered from Amazon. It arrived all nice and shiny, and I got a hot drink, a few chocolate nibblies and dove into it. But again, like Blood Noir, I was disappointed that there was no Jean-Claude or Micah. Anita spent 99.9% of the story in another state, and there was hardly any interaction with those left behind. I hope she gets this travelling Anita kick out of her system soon. I loved Edward, and his being there was one of the only saving graces. SPOILER ..... I hated that the defeat of the MoAD was over so soon, and that another archrival was dealt with in the manner that he was. He was the MoAD's enemy, yet Anita seemed to vanquish him with less difficulty that it should have taken. I've faithfully followed the series for over 10 years now, and I've skimmed over the blatantly sexual scenes that I don't feel further the storyline, but this book seemed to hit new lows in that arena. When I think back to the prudish Anita that we were first introduced to and see where she's going today... her mother would be rolling over in her grave if she could see her now.... (maybe she is? who knows). I'll give next years novel a go, but after 17 books, I may have to think hard about forking out my money for them and just borrow them from my local library.
Now that winter is upon me, I can indulge in one of my favourite yearly rituals... the annual snuggle-in-the-doona-all-day-and-read weekend. One the coldest winter days, I like to cater to my little whims in this way. It makes for great reading. This time round I chose some of my favourites to keep my (and my cat) company. I started last night with Krentz's Arcane Society books, Running Hot and Sizzle and Burn, and will start White Lies this afternoon. Followed by some of the Anita Blake books, and with a little Lora Leigh, Nalini Singh and Yasmine Galenorn thrown in. Lastly, I'll add my Lily Bard books, and other miscellaneous mysteries that I have.
Keep your eyes out for the new Chicagoland Vampire series, it's really good, and also the Ilona Andrews Kate Daniel's series (short story in the anthology "Must Love Hellhounds"). Too many books to mention here today, but I'll try and get through some more and let you know what's coming out soon.
PS - for those of you in Australia who read this, don't try getting the books on Fishpond.com.au. I have noticed that the prices for items have jumped by $5 dollars, and on some items like Angela Knight's Time Hunter series, the price rose by $10! for a small massmarket paperback!
Better off going through QBD (still $12.95), or amazon.com
May 21, 2009
Wetter than a Shag!

It's my favourite kind of weather, but even I can get sick of rain. In the last 36 hours, we have had more than 400mm of rain! Our road town flooded, and the highway was cut off even if we had of been able to make it through. I have never seen rain like that in my life! The rain was coming down so hard that at times I couldn't even see the houses over the back. Can't wait for the next time though :) Fingers crossed for us here in the south-east, although the sun is shining after the rain, the Bureau of Meteorology has forcast another storm that could dump a further 300mm on us. I think I need an ark!
Thankfully, the constant heavy downfall gave me a chance to indulge in some intensive reading. I managed to get through quite a few books. I had received 'Dead and Gone' and 'Last Vampire Standing' only the day before from Amazon, so I was set. Apart from them, I also got through some of my Stephanie Plum books. I like to re-read a series before the next book comes out. I'm up to Seven Up today. Will probably be moving on to Hard Eight tonight, although I'll probably squeeze Plum Spooky in before #8.
Our local library has gotten a few of the new titles in, but I seem to prempt the librarian that orders as I have most of the books that are on the 'What's New' section in the paranormal romance newsletter. I really should cut back on the bookshops, but like I tell my mum... I don't drink or smoke, so I need a hobby.
April 22, 2009
Sneaky book
Nothing fabulous has been happening lately. I've been stuck studying, trying to finish off all of my assignments before they are due (3 weeks and counting) and sneak in some fun stuff in between. My eyes are just about crossed, and feel like they have sand in them... but I have a feeling that this is only the start of it.
While out yesterday at the shopping centre I came across a seriously cheap blu-ray copy of Twilight... now I only need a compatible player.... oops
Been doing a little hunting for a site with cheap books. Happened across fishpond (haven't been there for a long time) and was pleasantly surprised at the prices. That and they have free P&H for orders over $50 - no problems:) Have to get my hands on the sneaky Lily Bard Mystery book that I didn't even know existed until the other day. It seems that Shakespeare's Christmas is the 3rd book in the series! See, you learn something new every day.
While out yesterday at the shopping centre I came across a seriously cheap blu-ray copy of Twilight... now I only need a compatible player.... oops
Been doing a little hunting for a site with cheap books. Happened across fishpond (haven't been there for a long time) and was pleasantly surprised at the prices. That and they have free P&H for orders over $50 - no problems:) Have to get my hands on the sneaky Lily Bard Mystery book that I didn't even know existed until the other day. It seems that Shakespeare's Christmas is the 3rd book in the series! See, you learn something new every day.
April 13, 2009

Okay, in the latest money making scheme, the Local Council's in South-East Queensland are now introducing a cat registration system as of July 1st, 2009. I was shocked when I opened the Sunday Mail (12/04/09) and read that not only will our cats have to be registered, but they will cost the same amounts as a dog... but what do us cat owners get for our money? We won't have any of the services [cough, cough] that the council provides for dog owners. I doubt we'll get cat exercise areas. Will they subsidise the cost of building cat enclosures? What happens if you already keep your cats inside, and have provided them with an outside enclosure? There is nothing that the Council's have put forward that seems to justify the price they're asking.
It's not like cats should be registered in case of an attack... how many people have been mauled by the pet moggy while illegally entering a property? What will it cost those of us who are already responsible cat owners who have more than 1 cat? Will they try to regulate how many we can have in our own homes? When is enough enough. What will the government want to regulate next... how many goldfish you can have in a bowl? Shame on you.
March 31, 2009
Sooo Many Books, So Little Time!

I just received the new Rosemary's Romance catalogue yesterday and I've already got my next pile of reading material circled. Now if I only had a couple of hundred dollars to spare to buy it all!
The latest Kate Daniel's book is out "Magic Strikes". I love this series, and hope that Kate and Curran get a little closer this time round. The next book "Magic Mourns" isn't out till next year, but that title tells me that someones gonna carc it!
Christine Feehan has been busy with 3 books out in the next couple of months. Burning Wild is out next month, then the final book in the Drake Sister's series is out in July. "Hidden Currents" is Elle & Jackson's story, although I've been waiting for this since their connection was mentioned in the 2nd book! Another 'dark' book is then out in September (I think).
I've been into the Riley Jenson books again, as yesterday I became the proud owner of the latest book "Deadly Desire". I enjoyed it, but since Riley finally comes in contact with her significant other, and it's so disappointing for her I can't wait to see what Keri Arthur has in store for Riley.
My wishlist at Amazon is just growing out of all proportions. I've got over 200 books in my wishlist, and that's after I've culled some... but one thing that won't get culled is the new Lora Leigh Breed's book that I'll be able to get my hands on in August. "Bengal's Heart" is Cabal St. Laurents story. He's the yummy twin of Tanner Reynolds. I've been waiting for his story since reading "Tanner's Scheme" last year. The only Lora Leigh book that could top this one is Jonas Wyatt's story, which I've found out will be after Cabal's. Can't wait to see who Jonas ends up with...
March 11, 2009
Dreams Made Flesh
Well, I've finally been able to take a break from all the madness surrounding me these last few months. Since losing my job last year, I found myself just drifting. Now I've pulled up my socks a just last month I dove back into my studies (... what have I done.... ) Instead of being able to go about my daily reading, for pleasure and for interest, I must now delve into the study materials once again. I must have lost my mind to go back to studying, but I do so want my qualification, so it's nose to the grindstone for the next 12-18 months - at least.
Since I've been studying, my reading for pleasure has slipped... but not to the point where I no longer pick up a book and gaze at it longingly at the cover and put it back. I'd have to have both arms in plaster to do that!
I have taken a little scenic detour in my usual reading style. I was wandering through Big W, growling to myself about the prices of stationary supplies but that's another story, and found my way to the book department - big shock there... not! Anyhow, they hadn't restocked the shelves with my usual fare, so I just browsed through the remaining shelves when my mother joined me. I was then prowling around, trying to find something for her to read - or possibly for an Easter pressie - when I saw this beautiful red cover. Intrigued, I snatched it off the shelf and paused. It was a fantasy book. Now I don't as a rule do fantasy books. Anne McCafferty and Terry Brooks have never really been my thing and I wouldn't touch Robert Jordan under pain of death. But this little (thick) red book just called to me... Anyhow, the long and the short of it was that once I read the back I couldn't resist. I took 'Dreams Made Flesh' home with me and by that afternoon had finished it! Anne Bishop's anthology made me want to just rush out and buy the Black Jewels trilogy. I'll have to wait until Friday, but she is the first author in the fantasy genre that has made me fall into her world and fall in love with her characters. Lucivar is wonderful, and a fitting mate to the tender Marian. Daemon is darkly enticing and the most perfect mate for the formidable Jaenelle Angelline. Saetan SaDiablo is both fatherly and frightening in his roles as both the High Lord and Papa. The characters are engaging and you feel drawn to them, as well as more than a little dislike for some. Bishop's Kindred are so lovely, you just want to take one home... but be sure you have enough space for one though :) The world that Jaenelle and her family inhabit is surreal and down to earth all at the same time. If I never find another fantasy author to read, I will be forever thankful that I found Anne Bishop.
If anyone had of asked me whether or not I would have added a fantasy book to my collection it would have been a resounding "ARE YOU NUTS!", but after spending an afternoon in Lucivar's world, I can't wait to book my next trip.
Since I've been studying, my reading for pleasure has slipped... but not to the point where I no longer pick up a book and gaze at it longingly at the cover and put it back. I'd have to have both arms in plaster to do that!
I have taken a little scenic detour in my usual reading style. I was wandering through Big W, growling to myself about the prices of stationary supplies but that's another story, and found my way to the book department - big shock there... not! Anyhow, they hadn't restocked the shelves with my usual fare, so I just browsed through the remaining shelves when my mother joined me. I was then prowling around, trying to find something for her to read - or possibly for an Easter pressie - when I saw this beautiful red cover. Intrigued, I snatched it off the shelf and paused. It was a fantasy book. Now I don't as a rule do fantasy books. Anne McCafferty and Terry Brooks have never really been my thing and I wouldn't touch Robert Jordan under pain of death. But this little (thick) red book just called to me... Anyhow, the long and the short of it was that once I read the back I couldn't resist. I took 'Dreams Made Flesh' home with me and by that afternoon had finished it! Anne Bishop's anthology made me want to just rush out and buy the Black Jewels trilogy. I'll have to wait until Friday, but she is the first author in the fantasy genre that has made me fall into her world and fall in love with her characters. Lucivar is wonderful, and a fitting mate to the tender Marian. Daemon is darkly enticing and the most perfect mate for the formidable Jaenelle Angelline. Saetan SaDiablo is both fatherly and frightening in his roles as both the High Lord and Papa. The characters are engaging and you feel drawn to them, as well as more than a little dislike for some. Bishop's Kindred are so lovely, you just want to take one home... but be sure you have enough space for one though :) The world that Jaenelle and her family inhabit is surreal and down to earth all at the same time. If I never find another fantasy author to read, I will be forever thankful that I found Anne Bishop.
If anyone had of asked me whether or not I would have added a fantasy book to my collection it would have been a resounding "ARE YOU NUTS!", but after spending an afternoon in Lucivar's world, I can't wait to book my next trip.
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