This week we're counting down the Top 5 Worlds. When I think of worlds, I think of the amazing world-building in my favourite series that allow you to effortlessly jump into a book or series and not question the environment {people, places, objects, technology, etc} around the characters at every turn.
So in honour of the Top 5 Worlds, I have mentally sifted through the hundreds of books on my shelves and after careful consideration, I finally narrowed it down to my top 5 worlds...

Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
The world of Harry Potter is wonderfully imaginative. I love the idea of a
magical world hiding from the everyday, Muggle, world.
Guild Hunter series by Nalini Singh
This is a fabulous series about angels and vampires and Archangels {oh my!}
With a great storyline, amazing characters, action, romance, and every other
emotion from A-Z, the Guild Hunter series is a great way to spend a few hours.

Anita Blake Vampire Executioner series by LKH
The Anita-verse comes in third for world building. Although I haven't enjoyed
the last couple of books in the series, the world building has remained
amazing. It takes skills to make shapeshifters, zombies, necromancers
and vampires seem like everyday folk you might share a town with.
In Death series by J.D. Robb
With 38 books in the series published - and counting - the In Death series is just
a brilliant collection that revolves around the life of Lt. Eve Dallas, and her husband, Roarke,
in the not too distant future of 2060. Robb's imaginative ideas of what our world might be like
in 50 or so years is so well done that I almost expect to see some of the tech ;-D

Lord of the Rings + The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
OMG! The world building in the LOTR trilogy (and The Hobbit) is just so complex
and imaginative. With languages, poetry and appendices full of information, J.R.R. Tolkien
built a world that is so rich in details that you don't even have to watch the movies to
picture it in your mind.
So that's it for my Top 5 this week. I hope you enjoyed your stay ;-D. If you leave a link below to your Top 5 list I'd love to check it out. Oh, and if you want to join the fun, then head on over to the Top 5 Wednesday page on Goodreads {here}.
Until next time,

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