Hi to all you booklovers out there. I hope you're having a great day.
Today I'm going to do my first Top 5 Wednesday video. This series was created by the lovely Lainey at GINGERREADSLAINEY and I'll include a link to the Goodreads group if you would also like to participate {here}
This week we are looking at our Top 5 Terrible covers. To me, a terrible cover is one that is not only unattractive - or dare I say, ugly - but also total inappropriate for the content matter. Sort of like putting a tank on a Harry Potter cover and expecting someone to know it was a children’s fantasy.
So without further ado, here are my top 5 terrible covers...
This is a UK cover and as you can see, there is nothing on the cover that would even allow you to guess at what this book is about. It is also the only book in the trilogy that doesn't have a white based cover, so that is another strike against it in my opinion. I have already bought a replacement copy of book which has the US cover - which I think captures the essence of the book - but I had to trade looks for the feel of the book. The binding is not as good and I have a sneeky suspicion that it might fall apart upon too many rereads ;-D
This is the 7th book in the Merry Gentry series, and again it is a UK cover. I think this is a terrible cover because they didn't even bother to get the models hair colour to match the main characters. Merry has scarlet red hair for God’s sake - how could you get that wrong?!
This is the 4th book in her amazing Mercy Thompson series. I own more than one of this type of cover and let me tell you that when I compare them to the US covers that were originally available in Australia it is like cheese and chalk. What genius decided to replace the beautiful US art covers with a boring, generic and frankly ugly UK cover? This version gives you the impression that these are more gritty and violent than what they truly are - a funny and adventurous urban fantasy slash paranormal romance.
This is the last books in the Sookie Stackhouse series and the only one of this type of cover. Unfortunately I just couldn't wait to read it so I caved and bought this at my local Big W. However, not only was this last book absolutely awful, but the cover just added insult to injury. Who wants a horrible neon background with blood artistically placed on the cover? Yes, it has a silhouette of Sookie cut out of it, but that doesn't make it a great cover. There is no personality about it, and it gives you no sense of what the book, let alone the series, is about. Will be purchasing the US covers ASAP ;-D
And finally, if Dead After Dark wasn't bad enough, we have come to my top terrible cover. Unfortunately this could apply to any book in this short series (plus spin-offs), but I've picked my least favourite cover and that would be . . .
This is a great urban fantasy slash murder mystery series, but you wouldn't know it because the covers are so so terrible that I'm sure if you saw them on the bookshop shelves you wouldn't even give them a second glance - except to say how terrible they were! Yes, they do let you know that there are supernatural elements to be found in these books, but they have no personality. They are dark and depressing covers.
So for those reasons, you can see why this series takes the top spot on my top 5 terrible covers list!
Thank you for stick around, I hope you enjoyed my Top 5 Terrible Covers. If you have any questions or comments, leave them down below. You know what to do.
Until next time,

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