Yeah. So, this was a thing over the weekend. Money has been a little tight - still have to pay my electricity and telephone bill this week - but with my birthday coming up I wanted to treat myself to a book or two since my family don't buy me books because they are never sure what I've got, or want to read.
Enter the smart phone. I was browsing the Book Depository and Awesome Books websites on Saturday night and after about an hour of idle searching it was a shock to discover that I had 10 books heading my way! Okay, two were for my mum for Mother's Day, but daammmmn!
Sunday afternoon. I'm online again and poddling about Awesome Books - again! - adding books to my wishlist (and the cart) when I hit on the 'genius' idea of buying up some more Penguin English Library (PEL) editions to add to my collection. Yeah, really bright idea. Bought a further 8 books, and then jumped on AbeBooks to find some OOP PEL editions and ended up spending more money as I found two (and bought a third book anyway)!
So, here is a list of what I bought on this birthday binge of shame...
As you can see, I must have lost my mind for a few hours! In truth, these are books that I've wanted for a long time - and that I will be reading in the future - so I don't feel too guilty about buying them as a majority of them are used books in great condition. However, I probably could have timed this splurge better ;-D
In the meantime, I have not been reading as much as I would like. Everyday chores like laundry, mowing the lawn, gardening, cooking, etc., have been a priority. Hoping to read Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen this month. I read Emma last May and loved it, so finger's crossed I have the same reaction to S&S.
Since I've spent way too much recently on books, I'm going to concentrate more on my massive TBR pile (300+ books I think) and get a chunk of that read before I allow myself another book order. I'll settle for reading 20-30 titles. It will be a challenge, but with winter only a few weeks away, and the colder nights, I'm hoping to snuggle up with some good books over the coming weeks - there's nothing on TV anyway ;-D
Have you had a huge book splurge? If you have, let me know how many books you got so I don't feel so bad ;-D
Until next time,

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