Yes, this is just a really quick update on what's on my desk at the moment. I am currently rereading Archangel's Heart by Nalini Singh for the umpteenth time (I adore this series, but the author is running out of characters to centre her books on!) and after I finish AH I'll be picking up Archangel's Viper, again. This is one of those series that I can reread over and over again without becoming bored.
Also, I did walk up to the Post Office after filming this only to be told that they hadn't even opened the bag containing parcels, let alone got them sorted *le sigh* I hate it when this happens. Looks like I'll be making an extra trip. Good thing my PO is quite close so it's only a few minutes walk, but still... I don't want to do it.
So, my video is edited and posted, I've put my laundry on the line and now I need to get my butt in gear and start some general cleaning so the bedrooms don't look like a bomb has gone off in them.
Cheerio for now, and until I see you next time

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