Hello my lovelies! I hope you are having a better day than I am. It is quite chilly and pouring rain - in November! - when it usually is hot enough to fry an egg under the blistering Australian sun. Don't get me wrong, I love this kind of weather... however, it is becoming clear that the weather has no idea what it is supposed to be doing ;-D
November has been quite a good reading month for me. I've had a very very late order arrive, ticked a few more books off my TBR list, and bought a few more books in current series. Favourite reads of the month so far have been White Hot and Wildfire by Ilona Andrews, as well as Hardcore 24 by Janet Evanovich (even though it didn't get a high rating from me).
Biggest dud was Come Sundown by Nora Roberts. Can't believe how much this didn't enthuse me. Perhaps it's because I loved Obsession (ignore the first 80 pages) and have reread that so many times since it was published. Oh well, will keep my fingers crossed that Year One will redeem her in December.
I've managed to make my way through two more Agatha Christies. Murder on the Orient Express and After the Funeral were quick and compelling reads. Not my favourites, but not too shabby either.
Still have a lot of books sitting on my ever expanding TBR pile. Still have to get around to Artemis and Vigil before the end of the year and am saving the Decameron for next years Big Book project.
I think that's about it. I need to get off the computer as the storm has picked up and the rain in bucketing down. Don't need to be online if the power craps out ;-D
So until I see you next time,

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