When I first discovered Lora Leigh back in the mid 2000s, I had no idea that erotic romance was going to become the booming market it is now. I didn't read her Breed series for the sex, but for the intriguing story line that centered on a global rogue governments project to create brutal, super strong soldiers by using animal DNA and splicing it into human genetics to make the perfect warrior. Cruel, soulless, intelligent, and completely loyal to whomever held his/her leash.
The people born into those facilities suffered cruelties beyond comprehension, but have since escaped and are now being hunted by the government labs to recapture them and begin the breeding program once again. Breeds 2.0.
Am I too old? Are my reading tastes those of an aging generation who just don't get it? Oh God, am I turning into my mother?!!
No. I've just come to the conclusion that erotic romance as a genre just isn't for me. So far this year I've read about 15 books and none of them have rated highly. Perhaps my enjoyment of the Breed series stems from the fact that it made the jump from an indie publisher (Ellora's Cave) to a huge publishing juggernaut like Berkley? Well, I think that that certainly didn't hurt it.
Anyway, my point is that it is okay to not love (or even like) a genre of books. Don't let anyone tell you that you're not a real reader if you don't like a genre, or subject, or on the flip side, if you do like books that everyone else seems to hate don't let their criticisms put you off. Don't feel guilty for having a personal preference.
Do I like erotic romance? No, not really. But I do like this series and some of the author's other works and in the end that's all that matters.
And until next time,

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