I'm trying to get out my final videos of 2019, so bare with me ;-D
This is the first of my reading challenges for 2019. There are only two rules for the Big Book Challenge:
- must come off my TBR shelves
- must be over 1000 pages (although anything over 980 will be considered)
That's it! They can be of any genre, hardcover or paperback, and published last year, or 300 years ago.
This challenge started in, I want to say 2015 (?), and I found this to be a great way to get those hefty tomes I kept overlooking, or ignoring, off my overflowing TBR pile. This year I chose two translated classics - a complete coincidence I assure you ;-D
Let me know in the comments if you have read either of these books as I think I'll need the encouragement. I'd also love to hear what your reading goals are for 2019.
Thanks for watching, and until I see you next time,

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