Hello Gals and Pals ;-D
This weeks topic is Debut Novels.
While most first novels are published without a ripple in the literary world, there are some that cause a tidal wave of hype. This can simple be for the content. Is it risqué? Very violent, too taboo, heartbreaking or poignant? Will we wet out pants laughing? Is it the best kids book out since Harry Potter? Or perhaps word has gotten out about their style of writing. Is it lyrical? Free-form? Are they the next Jane Austen, Bronte, Hemingway or Steinbeck?
Whatever the reason - "Congratulations!" you have bought this debut novel and supported an author ;-D
Now after that small little rant, or was it a rave?... thing, I'd better get to the point and show you my top 5 choices for debut novel. So without further ado, here they are;
ta da!
Out of all the books I could have chosen, I thought that these were a broad representation of my bookshelves. As you can see there are fantasy, urban fantasy, children's (fantasy) literature as well as a modern (fantasy) classic. Hmmm, I'm sensing a theme here... ;-D
Let me know in the comment section what you thought of these books. Have you read them, do you plan to read them? I need to know, people! ;-D
As always, T5W was created by the lovely Lainey at GINGERREADSLAINEY and I'll include a link to the Goodreads group {here} if you would also like to participate.
Until next time,

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