As if my Big W blow-out wasn't bad enough, I then let my fingers do the walking after yesterday's splurge and visited two of my favourite online places to buy books.
First port of call was Booktopia. I already had some amazing specials in my cart. Bought The Swan Gondola for $9.90, and Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch for $6.35! They also had a copy of Steal the Dragon by Patricia Briggs - to complete the Sianim Quartet - which seems to be either Out of Stock (OOS) or Out of Print (OOP) at Book Depository. Every time I browse Booktopia I find so many great titles with great discounts. Great for my bookshelves, bad for my wallet.
About half a hour later, my fingers got itchy again, so it was off to Book Depository. I caved and pre-ordered Dead Ice by Laurell K. Hamilton. This is book 21? in the Anita Blake series, and from the sample I read in the back of the novella, Jason, it sounded pretty good. We're back into the zombie raising aspect of the series, and I hope to see some of the RPIT characters that I have been missing for the last 12 books or so ;-D
So, in all Friday was just a book-fest of a day. I spent way too much money. Will have to tighten my belt for the next couple of weeks and ban myself from browsing the online book sites. . . maybe?
Until next time,
Until next time,

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