Hi! It's been a few days since I've been online. I've just been so busy lately spending money on books ;-D
In the last week I have spent more money than I should have - nothing new there - but most of my books were based on recommendations from YouTube reviews. *Gasp!* I know! Odd, huh. But every review I checked out (The Readables, gingerreadslainey, polandbananasBOOKS, Ariel Bisset, and abookutopia) made these books sound sooooo good that I just couldn't help myself from adding them to my shopping cart!
So what did I get? Well thank you for asking. I have 8 books winging their way to me from Book Depository (so much cheaper than buying in Australia!)
- Ghost Seer - Robin D. Owens
- Throne of Glass - Sarah J. Maas
- Cast in Flames - Michelle Sagara
- The Line - J.D. Horn
- Graceling - Kristin Cashore
- The Masterful Mr. Montague - Stephanie Laurens {a guilty pleasure}
- Concealed in Death - J.D. Robb
- Going Once - Sharon Sala {for my mum's b'day}
and the last complete season of Doctor Who - again, way cheaper from the UK (included p&h) than in Australia!
I can't wait for the postie to start knocking on my door when each new book arrives. Sadly, I already have my eyes on about another 10 books as they are scheduled to be released in the next few weeks. I'll need a bigger house soon...

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