Sorry about being m.i.a recently. I spent a week house-sitting for my mother as she went on a week long cruise to the Barrier Reef with my aunt. They had a great time, even if my mum couldn't find her land legs for a few days after, but it poured rain for most of the time. In 72 hours my neighbours had 8+ inches in their rain gauge!
So, as I was saying, I was house sitting and on my second last day there I fired up the laptop and decided to defrag it as it was getting a tad sluggish. Everything went as always, until I got home on Easter Sunday. I fired up the laptop and ended up with a black screen that keep looping back to a start-up repair menu. OMG!!! No internet access at my mother's house - their phone lines aren't set up for cable, and wi-fi isn't an option either due to reception difficulties. So I've been without internet for 2 weeks and had to fork out for a new computer! Luckily I found a great special that JB Hi-Fi was having - a MASSIVE 10% off ALL Apple computers and accessories. Being the budget conscious gal I am I quickly rang the local shops to see if they'd price match (NO), and then called my mum to see if she could pick it up for me before she was due to come out here on Friday. Yes, she could - and so on Friday morning I took possession of my first ever Apple computer. So exciting ;-D
Now I was so eager to get back online, but being a good daughter I waited until after my mum's visit. With the internet not an option, I ended up going to the local shopping centre with her yesterday and since it is the school holidays the RSPCA have had a collection of cute kittens there all week. Yesterday though, they brought in some older cats {over 6 mths I think} and all of them looked similar to my Evie Nyxx. I fell for the smallest of the three, and she is soooo cute. I really didn't need another cat in the house, but my Titchy is getting very old and raggedy and I don't want Evie Nyxx to pine for her when I loose her. Call me crazy for introducing Phryne (also known as Phrynekinns), but looking into that gorgeous face I couldn't say no.
As you can see she is the spitting image of Evie Nyxx... just a lighter colour I think.
It's now 24 hours later and after a sleepless night - sleeping with one eye open so as to avoid WWIII - I have a purring Phryne on the bed and a still not impressed Evie Nyxx on my lap as I try to type over her ;-D I'm still trying to get used to the mac way of things and missing my older version of Photoshop CS4 as I'm now without a photo editor program. I really didn't think this through did I?
Keep your fingers crossed for me that the furry family settles down over the next few days - and that I start to get my head wrapped around this new way of doing things with my iMac.
So until next time my lovelies,

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