Yes, it's true. I just can't seem to pass a thrift shop without going inside to check out what's on their shelves. Take this morning for instance. I went to the store to buy a few items. So far, so good. Then I drove around to my favourite fabric shop and did I go in? No! Instead I ducked into the thrift shop next door. I'm sure I tell myself that I just want a quick look. I won't buy anything. But true to form I walk out of there with an armful of books.
However, to be fair this mornings effort yielded a good result. Recently I've been trying to gather more classics {for those long cold winter nights} and have had Great Expectations on my wishlist for ages. Two days ago I put The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time on my wishlist as well - and today I found both on the shelves! Saved a lot of money, as well as contributing to the local charities. I'd call that a win-win all round ;-D
Amongst this haul I also found a gem or two. First was a little old book from 1963. It's called Boys Are Very Funny People by Bill Adler. There is nothing remarkable about the cover, but inside are some of the funniest remarks made by boys, such as...
Dear Folks,
They take good care of us at this camp. Don't worry we are not going
on any more overnight hikes until they find Stanley.
Your son,
I've already finished this book and found it to be a very quick and amusing read. Kids are naturally funny, and sometimes the truth comes out in such an amusing way ;-D
The final book I found before I made myself leave I only found because I saw the word 'dragon' on the spine. It's a beautiful hardcover {only $1!} and is written by the same author of The Spiderwick Chronicles - note to self, read those! - and as soon as I saw the cover and the gorgeous artwork I knew that this book was coming home with me.
So after that unexpected thrift shop haul I have officially banned myself from the thrift shops around town for at least a week, perhaps two. I really don't need all these book. I just can't help myself!
Do you have the same problem too? Let me know if you do and we can commiserate together ;-D
Until next time,

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