Hi there, my lovelies!
Today I've got a few new books to show you. I bought these either at Book Depository, or at my local Big W (now the only source of new books in town!).
Books 1-3 : Book Depository
Books 4-8 : Big W
I was so excited to get Alice in Wonderland and Gone with the Wind in the post last week. As an AiW fan - I have 8 adaptations so far ;-D - and I have been coveting this edition since I saw it on BookTube last year thanks to Jean Bookishthoughts {watch video HERE}. It is quirky and colourful, and the illustrations are just gorgeous.
Then we have GwtW. This book was recommended to me a few years ago, and I could never find a used copy, never in the library when I go, and has generally been a pain in the butt to find. I didn't really want to borrow it from the library as I don't want to keep having to renew my loan. Then, I saw this gorgeous copy on Book Depository. I've had it in my wishlist for about 9 months now and when I got an email telling me that the price had dropped (I'm on a book budget, ok) I snapped this puppy up. It also happens to be my 2016 challenge for myself. I'm giving myself a year to read this... wish me luck.
Then Going Postal arrived in the mail . . . 'nough said ;-D
Yesterday I picked up The Martian by Andy Weir {yippee!}. I've been haunting Big W this week - still waiting to see if they will get The Shepherd's Crown! - and just as I was about to leave, I noticed they had tucked 4 copies of The Martian on the very bottom shelf. I almost missed it as I have been keeping an eye out for the orange covers. Very tricksey.
On Friday I'd picked up this lovely copy of Mr. Holmes (can't wait to see Sir Ian McKellan as Holmes), plus rescued a copy of The Secret of Crickley Hall (I didn't know this was a BBC mini-series!) from the bargain bin. The Miles Franklin omnibus was an unexpected bonus buy.
The Great Gatsby came into my life 2 weeks ago . . . I think?, however they are all lovely to have.
So many books, and still not nearly enough!
Until next time,

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